Christmas concert in the Bellerive church in Valleyfield with the Les Gondoliers choir
A Christmas concert will take place at l’église Bellerive in Valleyfield Sunday 15 of December at 3:00 p.m Dominica willl be asssisted by Les Gondoliers choir and two excellent musicians Nadine Turbide and Vincent Bélanger. The concert is produced by productions Malima, Here as some extracts of a Xmas concert given by Dominica in Montreal […]
Promising outlook for Dominica in 2024
After a very successful Tour in Taiwan and a very busy year end in Quebec, Dominica’s prospects for 2024 look better than ever. This spring, a new Tour in France is under preparation and she will have the honour to sing May 9 for the delegates of the federation of all Quebec-France associations in France. […]
De belles perspectives pour l’année 2024
Après une tournée à Taiwan fort réussie et aussi une fin d’année fort occupée au Québec, Dominica envisage 2024 avec beaucoup de sérénité. Et pour cause, dès ce printemps, une tournée en France la mènera à Laval (pays de la Loire) où elle chantera le 9 mai dans un magnifique théâtre devant les membres de […]
A very successful Taiwan Tour full of emotions
Dominica’s Tour in Taiwan together with her Taiwanese long time friend , soprano singer Ching-Hui Kuo has been widely applauded . First, again thank you very much to the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for its major financial contribution . This tour received its final consecration upon issuance othe recommendations isssued by […]
Thanks to the CALQ for its financial support for a tour in Taiwan this fall of 2023
Opus Music has invited Dominica for a five shows tour in Taiwan from September 9 to september 25 in 2023. The first three to be held in Taiwan’s largest cities are indicated in the poster. e poster. Dominica wi delighted to sing together with her long-time friend Chin-Hui Kuo, a taiwanese vocalist she met in […]
Dominica sings «La mamma» in an album paying tribute to Charles Aznavour (Amoureuses des Mots)
Dominica is very happy to participate in the album «Les amoureuses des mots» together with 14 other female singers. She will be singing in french and italian the Mamma song. This project has been initiated by Jehan Valiquet (Musinfo inc) her Editor.
On line concert by Dominica at the église de la Visitation December 17 to 25
Please click here to buy a ticket En attendant minuit (Awaiting Christmas Eve) is also the name of a song composed by Dominica and co-written by her sister Caroline. It describes all the emotions of a familly gathering during Christmas Evening. The song has been launched as a single and has beeen playing on several […]
Many thanks to the CALQ for the help related to the 2019 fall tour in France
Many thanks to the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec (CALQ) for the financial help provided to support Dominica’s tour in France and Belgium during the fall of 2019 During this Tour, she had the opportunity to perform her show three times at the very reputable Théâtre des deux ânes in Paris and […]
Where to click for the purchase of tickets at the Théâtre des Deux Ânes de Paris
Dominica invited in France for the spring of 2019
Dominica is pleased to accept invitations to sing in France. First of all, she will perform twelve times at the charming Théâtre des Déchargeurs downtown Paris between May 16 and June 15. She will also sing in the city of Nîmes in southern France on the invitation of an organization of various french cultural associations […]